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    Naikiasse terriesse Niariekyon~
    I am Niariekyil Arcyriea of the Ijyiakaryai peoples union of the high Niariekyon's Order.

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    Racials Catalogue

    Posted by Arcyriea - November 24th, 2022

    This is the list of the following races that exists in my loreverse

    Sirianian - Ijyiakaryai - Takanii - Namfakta - Tajrakant - Terrans - Ernanites - Faruitdf - Jikljataht - Thermilian - Vardisian - Sylvarian - Tiariean - Shellcorean - Procgean - Human



    A humanoid-satyr-elf civilization rans through the hearts and the minds of their own individuals, it is known that they are capable of telepathic communications amongst each other. Their homeworld is located in the outer rim of the Andromeda galaxy. Them together with the Ijyiakaryai forms the alliance between themselves, when the Takanii finally came into their folds they formed the Three Realms Alliance.


    They originally do not belong to our world or the Andromeda galaxy, however there was a huge scale incident about an universe being merged together with one another, and it is the cause of why they are here now. They are an elven-humanoid alien race in which they came from another universe now being merged with our own.


    A human-fairy race of aliens long troubled from the tyrannic curse of its own once supreme leader now been killed by their own sons and stolen the throne after they got their hand on a dangerous artifact of unknown power and origin. Nearby the Sirianian they lives as a close neighborhood to them. With the sudden betrayal comes from some parts of their race, the Three Realms Alliance start to crumble from within.


    A reptilian dinosaurous race of aliens with cultures that would be perceived as weird and very unique to our humankinds and many other alien civilizations with unseen traditions that we humans had not ever done in our history.


    A Jurassic based sentient alien life-forms that looks much similar to the Namfakta brotherhood of their kinds, however these two race no longer in a confederation with one another as there was unresolved past conflicts and ideals amongst them.


    This race is known to have never originated from either our or the Niariekyia universe according to both the Sirianii & Ijyiakaryai scholars, and the Hegemonic Imperial is declaring war on them, in time they eventually encounter the Sirianian race and both allied together against the Namfaktan and the Imperialist Takanii... However despite never met with the Human race of this world, they are still getting reminded of some unknown feeling of hostility toward humankind.


    They are our humankind itselfs, who now reach to the stars and form many solar nations, galactic federations and unions. But these humans have a different development history than our own as the clone of our universe being merged with Niariekyia's. The most notable drastic difference of history between our and their eras would be around the ancient times and during both great World Wars...


    Still exists to these days even after the demise of the Three Realms Alliance. These rouge machine society now no longer sees all the extraterrestrials civilizations as a major threat to its existence, when their probes and scouts sends back data to their homeworld that has proves how wrong their old algorithms were and that some alien races were naturally peaceful and does not wish to cause them any harm, they have stopped their ultimate conquests against all aliens and lifeforms since a long while ago, and now they knows that not all aliens are like their past abusive master civilization which they had destroyed. Now they had to face the hatreds and war threats came from some alien races which will not let go of what the rouge machines did to their kinds...


    Tree-like alien sentient lifeforms that are capable of photosynthesis, they are still now sworn enemy against the Ernanites, whom once devastates the Faruitdf's homelands and incinerates the Faruitdf's kinds in the distant past out of their blindly ultimate conquest against all alien lifeforms ... The Faruitdf are now amassing an army to conduct a war of vengeance against the Ernanites. These treants are former allies and partner of the once glorious alliance of the Three Realms, in which they are now still allied with the Sirianian.


    Insect based sentient lifeforms that looks and behaves like the bees... They are master at spaceship engineers and are very wise building architects in the style of a beehive constructions. They build cities in hex shaped clusters squares on their planets. They tend to leeches the saps out of the Faruitdf for their own development needs in which the Faruitdf willingly provides in exchange for help with the pollination of their race.


    Their homeworld was originated from Niariekyia Universe along with the Vardisian and the Sylvarian, the three of their races were now under an alliance called the Sentinels who rules over some of the star sectors near the core of the Milky Ways galaxy once merged with many other galaxies coming from the Niariekyia Universe. They are specialist of utilizing atomic weaponry and extracting essences from the suns to power up their fiery nuclear supremacy. Their ships can cuts even the largest of ships in half when ramming them as long they do not have very strong and resistant materials against ramming.


    These aliens study well in the field of biologic and species mutations, they have expertise on developing corrosive bio weaponries more acidic than that of sulfuric acids commonly known to humankinds, however with morality still engrained into their minds they stops themselves from using and developing deadly contagious viruses that even them will have no idea how to stop its spread when they unleash such diseases toward their enemy and eventually infecting the entirety of the universe... They also develop on powerful close range wave emitter plasma weaponries and applying their fast hit and run doctrine, and if they need more aggressive means and protection they will have to rely on the Thermilian ramming hulls and armors or use the highly durable hulls provided by the Sylvarian, although they have their own armors that are capable of fast self repairs and regeneration but these things tend to be more fragile than the armors of their allies...


    They are just like the Thermilian but unlike them they don't rely on atomic power as much, they try to find ways to use black holes and singularity energy to develop their own powerful weaponry which may not be as powerful but these weapons will have longer engagement range. Their ships may be slow but they invest more on advanced protective hulls and shield protection unlike their other allies who doesn't really use a shield technology of their own and even if they had one it's more inferior to what the Sylvarian had developed, their shield generators not only protects them but also generates orbiting energy orbs that vapourizes any hostile ships it touches.



    The humanoid race that went through four eras of Great Tiariean War amongst their own kind, they now develop AI and machines but these things has now decide to split offs the native Tiariean and forms their own society of artificial minds... So far they only exists in a far away universe that we would call it the Tiariea Universe.


    Harmonica - Imperica - Evangelica 

    All three of these Artificial Intelligence kinds were created by the Tiariean, one just seek to use the Tiariean then turn back against them, another were initially hostile against the Tiariean and the last one is the faction that truly care for union between all three of their kinds along with the Tiariean.


    This race was the one that sent their fleet to invade the Tiariean's homeworld during the Third Great Tiariean War where the Tiariean are still fighting with themselves... However when the Tiariean try to find them back to take revenge they found out what was once the location of the Procgeanaei's former homelands now were scattered in ruins, there are many signs of many chaotic remains of mass evacuations on their planets. It is now unknown if the Procgeans are extinct or they have fled as the Tiarieans encounters with an unknown enemy that is believed to be the cause of the Procgean's ruins and destructions.



    They are our humankind itselfs, who now reach to the stars and form many solar nations, galactic federations and unions. In which the humans have unchanged and unaltered history...


    At one point before the Humankind even know anything about building starships and colonizing planets, they were attacked by an unknown alien race, humanity finally turn the table against the aliens and reverse engineer their technology.


    (Related to Invaders?)

    We detects some similarities of them with the race that invaded humankind hundred of years ago since the 21st century... But it is unknown whether they are the same species or they are just a different kind of alien that looks a lot alike them... 



    It is said that this race were actually belong to our original universe and not originated from the Niariekyia Universe. They may have met the Takanii but it's uncertain about their current relationships in our universe's timeline. 



    There is the same suspicion mark about their own existence in our universe, but in this timeline of our, the Takanii never have suffered from any kind of tyrranic curse, they never turned into a diabolical empire that conquers all and betray they own allies and even their own peoples.



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